Message form Chairman

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Message form Chairman

Prem Pandey

Executive Chairman

Greetings from Dolphin Education!!!

The possibilities are limitless. Dreams and aspirations are sitting there to be accomplished. All you have to do is trust yourself, believe in your abilities and chase your dreams as if there will be no tomorrow. 

At Dolphin Education, we dare our students to open their eyes, spread their arms and grab the moment to define their future. We assist them to comb through the possible alternatives, help them navigate through any of their ambiguity and guide them towards their desired goal and destiny.

On the other hand, we work very closely with our partner institutions to not only promote and recruit deserving students for their esteemed institutions, but also provide them with holistic support in order to establish their institution’s brand value in the Nepalese market for a long run. 

While doing this, we always keep student’s best interest as the core of our operational values and our sole purpose is to show them with the ideal pathway towards their craved future. 

As a result, we have completed almost two decades of student centric operations and established ourselves as a prominent brand when it comes to study abroad consultation in the Nepalese market.